Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Tribute...!

In today's sombre world, where the common man wakes up daily only to dance to the tunes of his monotonous "Self-Centred" daily cycles-of-awakening-and-sleep which we could vaguely term as Life...we have become but a shadow of ourselves. By saying this, oh and which includes me too, I'm trying to point out the "care a damn..." attitude we all see around ourselves. I mean, be it anything...take for example the case of your neighbour having a fight with someone. You would soon find your house-mates divided into camps for and against just finding out (out of the sake that he/she brought you a fruit basket when you had a broken arm) whats the matter, forget helping sort it out. Its a very common thing today. Its like kinda understood that even if someone is in trouble, one will lend a helping hand (that too expressing the FAVOR) only after the-person-in-need acknowledges him as a savior-of-the-day...!!
Our needs stand first, regardless of how much ever helpless the other person may be. If the thing does not concern us, we just don't bother to even spare a second thought at it. And majority of us do this not with a selfish mind, but out of habit...or say out of being accustomed to such reactions to ourselves ?! And in thinking all this, in ultimately acting the way we do...its our mature minds at work. A mind with full-grown understanding and IQ to decide what is right and what is wrong, to decide what is "expected" out of us and what is it that we "choose" to do. C'mon, even when we give a deaf ear to anybody crying just because we don't have time, somewhere in the back of our minds we do know that the other person needs a hearing ear, don't we ?
And amidst all this, comes the story of a Heroine (thats what I wanna call her). A Heroine who decided to save the day not in one but many ways. A Heroine who told us that this world ain't that sombre afterall. A Heroine who never kept herself, even for once, above the call of the day. A Heroine who was not our age physically, but emotionally surpassed us perhaps by lightyears.... Mumpy Sarkar !!
A 12-year old girl, class VI sudent and a resident of Nadia district of Dhantala, West Bengal. One fine day, she decides to save her family from all the truobles...trouble of father's diminishing vision, trouble of elder brother's failing kidney, and trouble if dowry too, all of which challenged the father's daily wages...............
With the worry taking its toll on the family's well-being, she decided to commit suicide. No, not out of depression...but as a soluton.With this, she thought (as her suicide note revealed), she would help her father and her Class XI brother with the eyes and kidney respectively. A move which resulted out of the realisaton by the family that transplants were the only cure. A cure not just BIG just in terms of surgery, but financially too. She decided to help her father in who's laps she'd grown up as a child. She decided to help her brother whose had she would have held while she stepped out of the house... She decided to help them all, without even once placing herself above them, placing her innocence above them, placing her blooming dreams above them.
If one says that she was just a 12 year old and out of emotional attachment, without far thought and mature thinking, she did such a thing.... HEY MISTER !!!!! YOU BETTER CHECK YOURSELF ! Had she been immature, would she understand what "the only treatment" would mean? Would she even realise that transplants of the same blood-relative are the best? Would she leave behind that suicide note which was addressed to her mother, in which she "poore hosh-o-awaaz mein" wrote that after my death, use my kidneys and eyes ???!!!
She was mature enough to know it all. And with this, I believe, she has given life to the term "humanity" !
However, Mumpy's suicide note was found only after her family had cremated her "self-poisoned"body, which only left the aggrieved family inconsolable.

By sharing this I just intend to share with you a piece of news which moved me to the roots of my heart. Which placed itself as a mirror in front of me, and questioned MY humanity.
And for me, I wouldn't term it as an end of life (barring myself from ethics at the moment...). She has rather immortalised herself as an epitome of emotion, attachment, love, care, happiness, sacrifice, help...and all the qualities that make the daily sleep-and-awakening cycle to termed, actually, as "LIFE" !!

- The incident took place in Dhantala's Jhorpara, West Bengal, June 27, 2011.
- Source : Times of India; 5th July, 2011.

Salutes to Mumpy (a Tribute) !

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