Monday, July 4, 2011

and the Chalice homes new dreams....

at this very moment, its my previlige to announce the joining of a new "dreamer" who shall work 2wards blogging with me... My old friend and classmate... Mohammad Shaimoon !!!!!
(applause.....) :)
Well, hope we make a great team and that our hearts speak out in a manner befitting to amuse you ! Our endeavours towards fun-reading-and-writing shall not tire out... Thumbs Up.
Astala Bista, peepoL !

- yahaan diL boLega. Let your hearts

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot mate!!! :)

    The confidence and faith you have in me means a lot to me.. Hope I 'dream' upto your's as well as the audience's expectations.. :) :)
