Wednesday, July 27, 2011

~ PaathshaaLa ~

Aao tum logon ko Paathshaala ke baare mein ikhtila karein... Kya? You know? You really think so? Lets see ...
From our successful schooling (atleast to a certain extent), we all would remember that lesson from one the driest branches of science, Physics, which said: "Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but remains conserved...". Hmmm? Yaad aaya kuch...haan haan wahi... that day some Mr. Balasubramaniam with big black spectacles mounted up his nose had taught something like this ya ? Hai na...?!!
Yesss, you got it. The lesson that day (dude ! I'm sorry if you were absent from the class that day) !! :)
Now, the question arises, that what exactly is this concept of conservation of energy? Well, now I don't claim to be any disciple of Mr. Balasubramaniam, but maybe I CAN help you understand this one.
So, ready ? No no, keep down your pens and just pay attention... ;)
Well to make it extremely simple, I could say the answer to your inquisitiveness is all just in one word - MANIFESTATION !
You keep an iron rod on the burning (giving off energy) stove, the rod gets hot and turns blue and then red, right ? It has thus gained THE energy, and the color (or say your hand getting burnt, if you are a nincompoop enough to touch it) is the Manifestation. Talk about your kitchen in the morning, you gather energy, though meagre, and hit the egg onto that slab in front of you. Your energy manifests as the egg cracking open (or it may break into your hands out of some yawning miscalculations...) and you thus enjoy a delicious-French omelette-with-Spanish toast-breakfast ! What when you get into an unwelcoming tiff with someone...the other person punches you right into your nose, you then gain that energy (let me term it "negative" here) and follow Newton's third law of motion... the Manifestation !! (Note : this rule does not apply to the staunch followers of Baapu) !
You are excited about something, your mind is loaded with (and lets term this as "positive") energy. If things proceed positively, your neurotransmission is affected by that positive energy thus making you happy. Or if anything in the meanwhile goes wrong, your neurotransmission may be affected in the reverse manner (say the energy backfired...) and you may manifest as being sad...?!
Tectonic plates of the earth collide, energy is generated and i guess its Manifestation needs no mention...
One last,
Shake a bucket of water, the energy you provided would either come as ripples or spill the water out, the dergree of manifestation depending upon the intensity from your side. You decide how much is required and for what outcome.
Consider this bucket itself, let it be filled not with water but with life...YOUR LIFE ! And the bucket represents a problem, a conflict or a hardship, which may restrict your lives. If you feel you need a break, you need to get out of it...all you have to do is provide energy. Take that one step which shall then manifest as you getting out of it. The decision and the intensity of the energy to be provided all depends on YOU, YOUR THOUGHT, YOUR WILLINGNESS, YOUR DETERMINATION....YOU !!!
Do not permit yourself be disheartened or depressed in life, let any situation come to face, thanks to this law of conservation of energy or as we have learnt today (oh yes yes, you're most welcome... ;) ), this Manifestation-Concept, which works in real life also !!!
That "physics lesson" was one I was forced to learn in school, but what I spoke of has been taught to me not by some boring black-spectacled Balasubramaniam, but by the harshest yet the best teacher one could think of... Life itself !!
Lessons of school might end with school itself, but their energy does manifest in our lives which urges us, forces us to understand what life would be wanting to tell teach us, in its own way ! Yehi hai asal Paathshaala, Zindagi, jismein ham sab baraabar ke students hain.
This was just one one the many lessons I share with you. Have learnt many more, and at the same time...many more yet to be learnt.
Life is a never-ending lesson...
What more than this, all our lives we learn to live life, but in the end it teaches us to die too !!

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