Friday, April 16, 2010

Dose of Nostalgia

As each day passes by, the realisation becomes heavier and heavier upon me, of the obvious fact that these college days will end...sooner or later ! :(

Well this is in reference to the thought which had nested in my mind when I had debuted in this medical-college, that : "Oh my God ! 5 years..5 loonnng yearsss ! How'll they spend ??"
And now, within a blink of an eye, 1 year has already zoomed off...literally ZZOOMMED OFF !!

And so these days shall also be bidden farewell to someday ! A farewell which will violate the old famous maxim : "Bid Farewell Thee, Only With The Promise To Meet Again".A farewell which would end the spell of these joyful days, of these Blissful days, of these... FRIEND-FUL days !!
Then sitting in our own houses, tucked in our sheets, being warmed by the logfire in the silent howls of the chilling winter air, we may think : "Oh ! Those winters of my college-days !!!"

Talking about myself, I've surely earned myself some really treasurable moments already, with many more to come I'm sure ! One of my treasures is the time when i had flown home for the first "Winter-vacations", laden with gifts for my parents and brother !
Another one is my trip to Nainital, a reputed hill-station out here in Uttarakhand ( abbreviated as U.K. , hehe ). This was the day which followed our much awaited Freshers-Party, in which I had compered and danced as well.
Talking 'bout the trip to Nainital, it was awesome. We all guys and gals had hired two buses for ourselves and went up the slope singing and enjoying. And there it was, in "Cave-Garden", where the unthinkable happened !! Well, that was a bit of exaggeration, more properly said, where the "un-WANTED" happened, my cell fell down into the caves ! I can still visualise the cell slips outta my hands, hits the boulders in front-and-below me and goes sliding down, down....and down !! Now you may say THAT is not a "treasurable" moment ya.. But what happened the next day is whats worth it...the men working there had MIRACULOUSLY found my cell !!
Another gud one is the chess-match between me and my batch-mate. No, nothing great or breath-holding 'bout the match as neither of us were actually "pro" at chess. Its just that by the end of our "goofy" play, we had only our kings standing on the chequered-chessboard and were left with no option COMPROMISE !! :-D (haha)
All these, and many more of the kind, if not strike others, will surely strike me when I'll sit back to rest on my arm-chair after a long day's work !

Later down the line, I hope for myself to be blessed with with a good healthy life, a beautiful wife ( c'mon, who doesn't want this??) and a good career. A life where I promise I'll never forget my ol' pals, my ol' days...
Thanks to this dose of NOSTALGIA !!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Zara " Ta'rruf " kijiye...

Hello everyone out there...
This is my first of the attempts to blog so pleez jus' bare wid me if at all i may disappint you inintially... !
Meaning lets have some ' Introduction ' done...

This is Saad Mohammad Shakir blogging out to you people. Well I'm sure many of u would be wondering that what exactly is so " Nawabi " 'bout me eh !?? And No, I'm neither of any Nawab's lineage nor am , by any chance, related to that Nawab-Khan of Bollywood !!!
Its just that the place where I come from...wahan ki shaan Nawabon se thi and is also quite famous from other things as well. And the place, I speak of and belong to, is quite a small city of the Northern U.P. state of India but I think I do remember sighting it in one of the Oxford Atlases... its RAMPUR !!!
Yes, Rampur... Now I think I don't need to mention the other thing thats famous of that place (and is infact named after it- Rampuri)...which, paradoxically, isn't as famous for its Shaan-ness as much as its known to be lethal !!

Well, hope i din't bore you guyz with the TA'RRUF...
So I'd like to bid thee farewell, only to meet again !
Bas jaate jaate ek chota sa sher...

Arz kiya hai :
Chahat thi ki woh pukare hame saiyyaan kehkar,
Chahat thi ki woh pukare hame saiyyaan kehkar...
Ham to kud pade the tufaanon mein pyaar ki naiyyaa lekar.
Kya kahen kya guzri thi dilpe,
Kya kahen kya guzri thi dilpe...
Jab woh hamse takra kar chaldiye... " Saari Bhaiyya" kehkar !!!! :)
- aadaaB.