Sunday, January 8, 2012

~ Face in the Mirror ~

Everytime its there,
In the mirror when I see...
My past my present, and my desires to be !
I've seen it laugh,
I've seen it cry,
I've seen it tire o'er endLess try.
Never to me, has it spoken a word.
A horde of its taunts, yet I've heard !
It reveals to me scars and bruises umpteen,
From feuds & confLicts and battles unseen.
We debate, we argue,
We sing, we strife.
We criticise and mystify,
and ponder o'er sarcasms of life !
Such a parrot, it smiLes like me, it frowns like me.
Its even got the two ocular browns like me !
And everytime its there,
In the mirror when I see...
My past my present, and my desires to be !!